Office Hours: It's okay if you're not as productive.
/What’s New:
Finding time and dealing with cabin fever
Book Sale - Still 3 books for 3 bucks. Don’t miss this deal
The Once & Future Series is now available at most ebook retailers and some subscription services
Better last week than the week before, and hoping to be better this week.
If you’re like me and having a hard time writing fiction right now, this blog can give you some tips on why and how to break through or at least stay creative. Writing from the Bottom Rung: Sustain Your Creativity During a Pandemic - Lisa Cooper Ellison
Limit your news intake - I do this by decided to only READ news, not watch it. I get far less stressed out reading about current events than I do watching about them on the TV.
Accept that it’s hard right now and find other ways to be productive (which brings me to the next item.)
Video readings - I have been posting videos of me reading The River Maiden on my youtube channel. So, if you want to catch those readings you can. You can also find a video with some Gaelic pronunciations from the books.
What I’m reading:
Non-fiction: Ready. Set. Novel! Plan and Plot Your Upcoming Masterpiece - Chris Baty, Lindsey Grant, and Tavia Stewart-Streit
Fiction - The Blacksmith - Cecelia Mecca
What I’m crafting:
Sanquhar knit shawl - I’m freestyling it with no pattern.
What is Sanquhar knitting? Find out here.