Wanna see a new cover?

Book 3 beta reading is chugging along. I have already gotten feedback from a couple of my readers and so far so good. There are of course, some things that need ironing out, but I'll be tackling that in good time. 

So, it's about time I showed the world the cover for Thrice to Thine. Of course my newsletter subscribers and Kettle Holler Literary Society members have already seen this, but it's about time the rest of you did too So, here it is. 


Thistles, because we're going to Scotland in this one, and that's about all the spoilers you'll get. But I love the look of the thistles against the rough wood, and the blue reminds me of Stuart Blue tartan. It seemed like the perfect blend of Scotland and Appalachia to round out the first three books of the series. 

I am aiming for a September release, though I don't have the exact date yet. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime I have updated my Project Pipeline with what I'm working on next.